Dapatkan perawatan saluran akar gigi di dokter gigi Jogja, GiO Dental Care, untuk mempertahankan gigi alami.
Perawatan saluran akar gigi atau psa gigi adalah prosedur endodontic yang bertujuan untuk memulihkan gigi yang terinfeksi atau rusak dengan menghilangkan bagian dalam gigi, termasuk saraf dan jaringan pulpa.
Proses ini dikenal juga sebagai perawatan akar gigi, yang melibatkan pembersihan saluran akar untuk mematikan saraf gigi yang menyebabkan rasa sakit atau ketidaknyamanan.
Keunggulan perawatan ini mencakup kemampuan untuk mempertahankan gigi alami, menghindari ekstraksi gigi, dan memulihkan fungsi pengunyahan serta estetika gigi. Metode endodontic ini efektif dalam mengatasi masalah gigi dari akar penyebabnya, memungkinkan pemulihan jangka panjang.
Admin GIO Dental siap membantu memilihkan atau menjelaskan semua keluhan dan masalah gigimu.
9 dari 10 Pasien Setuju Gio Dental adalah Klinik Gigi yang Cocok untuk Mereka
Just got a scaling done today, all treatment is good. it's a great experience to meet the nice dentist and assistant. They completely make my teeth cleaner. thats amazing
I was visited Bali and I have tootache all of sudden, so I looking for a dental clinic. I found this gorgeous clinic. The place is so comfy and very clean. I recommend you guys, for sure
Kenric Jeff
First time taking my gf here. The staff was very very friendly the facility was very clean, easy to find and the Dentist was wonderful with my gf. The Dentist understood what my gf need. I would recommend this place to friends, family, and any body else who is looking a Dentist that treats amazingly.
Visited here for my tooth bleaching. The dentist is extremely friendly and professional. They have been explained to me in details very clearly what I should to do and what I should avoid doing. Really appreciate them help to make my tooth brighter!
Kylie Jen
Had a very good experience here.Very professional, clean and modern. GiO sent appointment reminder texts and were very responsive to all messages. I've been doing an Implant here, and i think this clinic really good. Outstanding service.
Gabriel Nicholas L
Amazing. GiO's dentist helped me really well. I had a root treatment. The clinic is really clean and the other employees are really helpful! I would recommend GiO to anyone who would like professional, expert service. You will be in trained and safe hands here. Thanks a lot!
Just completed my first visit at GiO Dental in Denpasar. I was visiting Bali when my composite veneers chipped. I came to GiO for replacement and was not disappointed. Cannot recommend them highly enough. If I could give them 7 stars I would.
Ella Gayle
I felt so comfortable here. They made me feel relaxed and did a great job! I lost a theet and now I have a beautiful crown! Today, I feel so much better about my smile! Definitely recommend this dentist.
Blue Ocean
One of the most convenience dental place on Denpasar Bali.
Alberto D
Thank you so much Gio Dental for making beautiful and charming for me
Hudson Pranajaya
Smile is the prettiest thing you can wear... Thanks Gio Dental care for my veneer
Evlin Kohar
Saya pernah tambal gigi di dental lain, setelah 1 bulan, tambalan gigi saya lepas, ada teman yang merekomendasikan Gio Dental. Ternyata pilihan saya tidak salah. Tambalan gigi saya diganti dan hasilnya lebih rapi,awet dan tambalannya pun seperti gigi asli. Terimakasih Gio Dental
Wijaksono purnomo
Aku males kalau foto kelihatan gigi sebelumnya. Gigiku agak maju dan kecil di depan. Trus gigiku dirapihin ke Gio dan sekarang aku berani dong senyum kincling gini
Andalira Zagita Putri
Pengalaman saya Scalling di Gio dental sangat memuaskan. Hasilnya gigi saya bersih, dokter dan perawat yang ramah, menjelaskan dengan detail sehingga saya lebih paham bagaimana cara merawat gigi yang benar. Harganyapun sangat cocok di kantong :) Terimakasih Gio Dental
Auxiliadora Patricia