What is an Open Bite?

Tuesday, 02 November 2021 - 08:46:28

Hai Sayang GiO, so one of our patients at GiO Dental Care asks the condition known as Openbite.

People who have Openbite usually have front upper and lower teeth that slant outward, so their tooth don’t touch when they close their, or when biting food.

Their front tooth position creates gaps between upper and lower teeth. Their teeth aren’t aligned properly when their jaws are closed.

The open bite caused by several factors:
- Thumb or pacifier sucking
- Tongue thrusting
- Jaw joint problem
- Skeletal problem due to genetics

Open Bite makes you feel uncomfortable and not confident with your appearance,
it also makes you unable to chew comfortably, because of the open gap vertically between upper and lower teeth

Open Bite have Negative Effects ranging from aesthetic concerns to a destructive problem such as fractured teeth, speech problem, and pronunciation, prevent you from properly biting and chewing food.

Then, what about the treatment?
An Orthodontist will make specific recommendations based on person’s cause of the Open Bite problem.
And in a majority of the cases, GiO Braces or GiO Aligner/ Invisalign can be the perfect and To the point solutions.
GiO Orthodontic solutions will correct the position, bite and arrangement of your teeth, and it will improve your overall oral health.

Although at GiO Dental Care we treat Openbite at any age. however~ it is advisable to treat this condition as early as possible due to the treatment that can be more complicated in adults.

Okay that’s it, hope it helps. Ciao~
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